Monday, 22 June 2009

Getting better

I don't have much to report in this bit of the blog, other than that the weather is improving and so are our fortunes.

By the end of Sunday, we have managed to follow a number of birds out from the island (44 to be precise), watch them feed and bring a sandeel back to their chicks, even watching them land at their nest site.Arctic tern looking a bit like a common tern. But it's an Arctic!

Parts of Sunday, the sea went flat calm. On a day like this, lots of boats leave the local harbours and people sit and try to catch fish from them. I suspect we confused a lot of people when we charged about among them at 25 - 30 knots, with an idiot at the front pointing the way to a tern ahead of the boat. I suspect also, with our wash, we shouldn't expect to get Christmas cards from any of them.

Good news from the island, the first Roseate terns have hatched, and they counted 71 nests. Also get a text from Long Nanny wardens to say that the first little terns have also hatched.

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