Saturday, 18 September 2010


Have you ever watched the film 'Four Weddings and a Funeral'? Do you remember the moment when Hugh Grant is in the church waiting for his own wedding to "duck-face" and he has just discovered that his true love Carrie, played by Andi MacDowell is separated from her husband, and this is the person he really wants to be with. He goes into a side room in the church and slowly beats his head against the stone wall and says "bugger, bugger, bugger" with such depth and feeling. For me, it's a defining moment in a great film.

There is also a word in the book "The Meaning of Liff" (the book that marries place names with no meaning, with everyday things and phenomena that have no name). I can't remember the place name but remember the phenomenon - when you know something has just gone badly wrong, but you don't know what it is yet. Yesterday, I was thinking that everything is sorted out now between now and when I leave Seattle - what could possibly go wrong now?

Well I just had both of those moments. I woke at 5:30 a.m. in my motel room in Port Angeles, and something made me think about the pelagic birding trip I've organised. Isn't that due to go on 18th? Isn't that today? Checking the booking confirmation, it certainly is today, and I'm in Port Angeles and the boat leaves from Westport, which is at least 4 hours drive away.

I'm feeling completely gutted. That boat trip was going to be the highlight of my trip and I've screwed up. I've had a month since I booked this thing for the penny to drop and I could have done something about it, even last night. I doubt there's much chance of getting a refund given this is completely my own fault, and they won't have had a chance to get a reserve at this late notice.

Oh well, there are plenty of other things I could do instead.

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